Etch A Sketch drawing of optical illusion cubes


2Fifteen Tech Service Desk hours are 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday Mountain Standard time. If it is after hours, please leave a message or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can the next morning.

Blue splash abstract shape on white background

Splashtop Access

Splashtop is used by 2Fifteen Tech for remote screen sharing. If asked by one of our agents to go to Splashtop to download the SOS installer, please go to this link. Once downloaded, please provide our agent the 9 digit code that is generated.

Zendesk logo comprising geometric shapes

Ticket Status

To check the status of any open tickets that you have, or to submit a new ticket, click on this button to go to 2Fifteen Tech’s ticketing system, then log in with your Microsoft or Google account.

Black sun icon with rays


2Fifteen Tech’s Service Desk is closed on the following holidays:

Thanksgiving Day

The day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

New Years Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Please note that when a holiday falls on a weekend, 2Fifteen Tech’s holiday will fall on a different day during the week. 2Fifteen Tech will send reminders prior to these holidays to the main point of contact listed for each customer.

Pixelated drawing of an old Macintosh computer with a smiling face on the screen.